Human factor meets digital solutions

Optimization of human resource management and organizational development with agile digital tools

360° feedback, indicators, surveys, trainings optimization – all under one roof

LS-S offers a diverse portfolio of feedback systems and indicators for soft skills or processes and phenomena that are difficulct to be presented graphically. Our team also develops applications and software that can be integrated into the IT structure of your organization.

Blended Leading®

Blended Leading®
Redefining Leadership in the Age of AI

Employee Pulse Survey

Employee Pulse Survey
Pulse check during times of crisis. Be prepared for the new normal

Project Indicator®

Project Indicator®
Give your stakeholders a voice.

Business Case Calculator for the "Return On Learning"

Business Case Calculator for the
Demonstrate the ROI of your HR and OD measures investment with convincing data and appealing graphics

Interested in a demo? Book your free 30-minute online consultation.

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