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Key areas of application of our expertise
The employee experience - the overall feeling that every element of the work process leaves in employees, from the first reading of the job advertisement to details such as the interface of the technologies used in the company. A modern term, buzzword, or the next evolutionary step in human resource management? LS-S has long-standing observations in companies from different sectors, which point to a common trend: the set of experiences that each of us has in our work - its qualities and added value - plays an increasingly important role in both job selection and in deciding whether to stay on it. There is now more and more talk about employee journey, instead of experience, which means that attention is paid not only to the experience of the employee, but to everything that is included in their "path" in the company: the recruitment process, trainings, the role itself, professional growth, relationships with others and with the organization itself and much more.
The investments in sporadic employee engagement programs are transformed into a permanent and long-term holistic approach that puts the employee experience at the heart of HR decisions and processes. Companies that neglect the importance of this topic risk suffering from a bad image of the employer, low efficiency and poor results. In order to avoid this, it is necessary for the concept of employee experience to be included as early as in the recruitment process.
The process of recruitment of new staff and their onboarding training is evolving and changing. It is no longer always one-sided, with the company asking questions and the candidate waiting for a solution. It is common for the organizations themselves to also be evaluated and "selected" and therefore not only the candidates but also the companies need a presentation that will distinguish them during the selection process of the other party.
This is the reason for the emergence and the practice of offering the fullest possible employee experience while the candidates are going through the selection phases. This is possible by developing programs that simulate the work experience and activities for the position. After such a program, both sides of the process make a more informed and informed decision, staff turnover decreases, and the expectations of new employees are justified.
Leadership Support completes the whole set of activities necessary for a quality employee experience. We are adding digital feedback systems adapted to the topic of the employee experience, which will give a detailed and objective assessment to the HR management for their efforts in this area. LS-S also offers tools for measuring the sustainability of corporate values, which are an integral part of an effective and sustainable employee experience concept.
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