Variety of opportunities to transform the organizational culture.

Business simulation trainings

Put the participants in realistic situations.

Allow the good ideas to grow quickly.

Business simulations are highly effective training tools that place participants in realistic situations where they have limited time to work on a strategy, a new solution for the company's work process, or a specific case related to HR or resources such as time / budget.

Business simulation games

Leadership Support is partnering with the leading consulting company Simdustry, which offers trainings in various areas of the HR development in more than 40 countries around the world. Simdustry has developed various business simulations with board games, thus setting realistic tasks and situations in the learning process, making it interactive and highly practical.

Benefits of the board game training:

  • They have a short duration - 4 hours, one or two days
  • Strong involvement of all participants
  • The results of the decisions are visible during the training
  • Prepares the participants for the challenges of working with people

Learn more about the board games business simulations offered by LS-S on the Bulgarian market here.

Hackathon Business Simulations

Initially, hackathons are innovation-oriented events (eg technology conferences), and the participants are programmers and digital specialists. Subsequently, the word acquires a wider meaning for business, as the basic principles of creating applications and software by the startups (agile methodology, testing, rapid adaptation) are applied in organizations in order to accelerate the process of creating new solutions. Hackathon as a method of overcoming inertia and clumsiness in companies is an effective practical way to give life to new ideas for internal processes and improvements in services or products. Leadership Support has experience in conducting hackathons for organizations aimed at HR professionals and leaders. Watch the short video from a hackathon business simulation for our partners in Berlin, which launched a new meeting feedback tool in one day.

Benefits of hackathon business simulations:

  • Ability to revise obsolete work processes
  • Supports digital transformation
  • Prepares participants for the challenges of working with people
  • Supports the transition to agile methodology
  • Focused and practical sessions, the result of which is always a new solution/prototype

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