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In times of massive change and new challenges, companies need to adapt their processes and methods in order to react faster to dynamic developments and remain competitive.
Flexibility, adaptability, agility - the meaning of the word agility are many and when it is to be used in a business context, it refers to the ability of an organization to refresh, adapt and change, just like a chameleon, in an uncertain and turbulent contemporary environment. Over the time, this flexibility evolves into a constant ability for the company to change, remaining the same at its core - culture, values and mission. Agility is a principle that is applied on a daily basis at all levels and its effect is in the key qualities for every business: competitiveness, efficiency, durability.
From the perspective of HR, this quality of the companies is expressed in the provision and development of such skills and abilities in people to respond to the dynamic internal and external business environment. The flexibility of a company is actually the flexibility of each of its employees. It is proven that no organization can be adaptive without taking care of that skill of its people. Agility is a way of thinking, a whole and constant attitude for a certain type of approach and reaction of everyone in the structure of the organization: employee, team, leaders. Often the attitude between the separate company departments differs . Many of the features of agility methodology are mastered by teams, while others are easier to perceive in another part of the company.
Leadership Support offers agility solutions for companies. By analyzing the current situation, it is possible to take concrete and effective measures and the necessary actions for them to become clear.
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