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Key areas of application of our expertise
Your company has its own employer branding, whether you have made an effort to manage it and whether it is part of a strategy. Every employee is a bearer of your organization’s brand - their environment knows about their experiences, and information about the climate at work is valuable for everyone, whether looking for a new field of development or gaining impressions that would later be key in making a professional decision.
It is important that decisions made about the employer image are based on facts and data collected from employees. They are the only mediums of knowledge about what is effective and what is not inside the company. They are your indicator of how you present yourself as an employer, much more reliable than the feedback from job applicants, for example. Keep in mind that the size of the company and its popularity do not promise an easily achievable good image. Small companies also have the opportunity to build a lasting reputation that works for them. Their satisfied employees are their brand ambassadors, who will help find better team members in a possible search - the difference is only in the size of the circle to which this information reaches.
However, the size of the circle is not essential - the key is what the information that circulates inside and outside it contains. A good strategy for the employer brand and the consistent work give good results for the overall efficiency of the company. Working in this direction will provide you with control and more peace of mind about what your real performance as an employer is to the potential candidates and your current employees.
In addition to the usual benefits for employees and providing a work environment in which they feel motivated and satisfied, it is important to strengthen the employer as an organization with strong positions, consistent beliefs and values that everyone believes in. In its mission, LS-S includes the improvement of the organizational culture in the companies of its clients. At the heart of this culture are corporate values that can become more sustainable with the Values Indicator tool.
LS-S verbessert die Unternehmenskultur seiner Kunden, bspw. indem wir mit Hilfe des Values Indicators® ihre Unternehmenswerte nachhaltiger integrieren.
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